Motorola introduced its tablet, the Xoom, at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The tablet is the first to run the newest version of Google's Android operating system, known as Honeycomb. It was named the best gadget by the show's official awards. Motorola said that the tablet will be available in the first quarter of 2011, but has not given any details about its cost.
Motorola Xoom | |
Operating System | Android |
Apps | More than 100,000 Android apps |
Flash Support | Yes |
Multitasking | Yes |
Screen | 10.1-inch widescreen |
Screen Resolution | 1280x800 |
Camera | 5 MP rear-facing camera, 2MP front-facing camera |
Ports | micro U.S.B., HDMI for video out |
Navigation | compass, GPS |
Storage | 32 GB, with SD support after software update |
Wireless | Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G, 4G upgradeable. Can be used as personal hotspot. |
Estimated Battery Life | 10 hours video playback |
Dimensions | 9.8'' x 6.6" x 0.5" |
Weight | 1.6 lbs |
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